Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Remember These Sunny Days?

Once Upon a Time, the weather was so nice that 4B went outside for snack to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.  I hope the sun comes out again soon.  My class is so great!  Look how much fun they are!  I love their smiles!

Engineering with Mrs. Koier

We are so lucky to have Engineering time with Mrs. Koier!  Every week, fourth graders get to go up to Mrs. Koier's room to practice being engineers by designing a site for a tarpul bridge. Tomorrow we begin testing different bridge sites.   More pics to come....
 Here, one of our amazing bees explains to the class why she feels the car is the most important technology.
 "Earthquake coming!"  Two students test to see if this soil site will allow for a stable or unstable structure.
 Mrs. Koier shares about Nepal.
Taking core sample of the soil.

Share Time

In 4B, we love Morning Meeting because we have a chance to greet one another to start the day off on the "right foot" and get to know each other better through share time and activity.  Here, a student shares a cool "Tinker Craft" that he made at home and it sparks interest from the other students about all the interesting things that can be done with his creation.